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Tuesday 25 March 2014

Profit guarantee to Catcha Media?

RHB Research issue a buy recommendation on Catcha Media on 6 Mar 2014, stating that there is market  capitalisation  mismatch between it Australian listed  27.4%-owned  iCar Asia and Malaysia
ACE listed Catcha Media. However,   iCar Asia still a loss making entity.

The Edge weekly feature Catcha Media two weeks ago base on the same analyst report from RHB .Research.

The Edge further emphasis that the valuation is excluding Catcha Media's e-commerce division, despite never expressly stated it e-commerce business under which company.

Previous media and analyst report show that Catcha Media's e-commerce business is under and

The report stated that Catcha Media has ceased operation of it e-commerce division funded by Intel Capital and compete with Catcha Media's partner of vendor of newly acquired, Now, issue of conflict of interest no longer arise if Catcha ceased to operate this division.

However, Catcha Media  acquired at hefty S$5mil (RM12.3mil). I think many e-commerce operator in Malaysia like those selling on eBay and might dream of any company would acquired their business at RM12.3million. In fact, many ebay seller and seller are cashflow positive before international postage rate hike by Pos Malaysia Berhad compare to, which is still a loss making entity yet still able to value at  hefty S$5mil (RM12.3mil).

Renown investor Peter Lynch said he never invest in a company if he is not a customer or consumer of that company's product. As sell luxury product, few people want to admitted that they never bought from before. Thus, nobody question the deal and the deal go through without much question from shareholder.

Further, Patrick Grove, founder and CEO of Catcha Media claim there is a profit guarantee of S$1.5mil (RM3.7mil) for the 12 months after the completion of the deal at the time of acquisition of . ( Usually, profit guarantee should be 3 years in stead of just one year)

Now, if the company making loss and ceased operation. Can the vendor just run away with S$5mil (RM12.3mil). Shouldn't Catcha Media recover at least S$1.5mil (RM3.7mil) profit guarantee from the vendor of ( or S$4.5million if profit guarantee 3 years ) .

Who should be responsible if profit guarantee never executed? Can vendor just runaway with S$5mil (RM12.3mil) and unable to recover even  a small portion S$1.5mil (RM3.7mil) the CEO announced during acquisition!

Catcha Media has been selected as outsourced partner of Mavcap to managed fund invest in Startup in late 2013. It is not sure who would managed the fund? Catcha Media CEO Patrick Grove or  Khailee Ng,  Co-founder and CEO of,  a unit merged with Catcha late last year.

News report stated that now Khailee Ng  have spend a good chunk of his time as venture partner for 500 Durians, a US$10million micro fund under Silicon Valley's 500 Startups, devoted to investing in South-east Asian Startups. Khailee Ng was entrepreneur in resident for 500 startup at one point.

Report stated that Khailee have since put money behind venture such as, Privy,CompStak, Supply Hog, Noonswoon, Watch Over Me ( and iMoney. and CompStak are US base startup.

If Khailee already handful , then it seem Patrick Grove will be the one who will managed fund outsource from Mavcap. While startup who unable to get funding from traditional financial institution like Patrick Grove approach of growing startup eco-system in Malaysia. Shareholder of Catcha Media hope more corporate governance and fiduciary duty display  towards shareholder of a public listed company. Everybody understand venture investment involve high risk, but there is no gun pointing at your head to force you to announce that the deal come with a profit guarantee. However, if you voluntary announced that the risk have been taken care of. Shouldn't someone be responsible when it is not?

Saturday 22 February 2014

Taiwan Top Fashion Online Brand – Mayuki, enter Malaysia market via 台湾東京著衣进入马来西亚,创办人驚傳離婚

Online shopper in Malaysia no longer required to try to order from Taiwan and have to meet their minimum order quantity for oversea shipping, yet have to worried about the parcel being withheld by Malaysia custom if they order too many under one delivery. Malaysian now able to order from Taiwan top fashion online brand, via Malaysia's under Malaysia currency. ( Both Malaysia and Taiwan are controlled currency)

Taiwan Top fashion Brand which have reputation for it variety of choice with reasonable price, has officially entered Malaysia market via few days ago, their id on lelong is Fashion91. is one of few operator from Taiwan that have successfully penetrate China's Many Taiwan Ecommerce operator fail on Taobao not because of lack of business but demand so hugh that they are out of stock within 24 hours. are one of the few Ecommerce operator from Taiwan that set up a base in China and have ready stock to fulfil hugh market in China.  Base on the fact that many Taiwan Ecommerce operator unable to fulfil demand in hugh China market. it is unexpected that have appetite in Malaysia market.

Meanwhile, Privately own also quietly entered Indonesian Market. Surprisingly, they do not leverage on brand consider Indonesian language not entirely different from Malaysia's language.. Their Indonesian site have a new brand call

Unlike Malaysia's, which popular with electronics appliance product. Indonesian's find apparel vertical has much more potential than electronics.

Seller on more on Malaysia market whereas seller on target on overseas market like UK,Australia and US. In short, yet to penetrate Malaysia market.

Coincidently, few days ago Taiwan media reported that it founder, Chairman and CEO has divorce with each other since October 2013.CEO Mayuki accused her Chairman husband domestic violent whereas her father in law deny it and accused her having an extramarital affair.


台灣網購女裝第一品牌東京著衣进入马来西亚 旗下有東京著衣、Mayuki、YOCO三大品牌

前几天, 台湾媒体驚傳创办人董事長鄭景太和執行長周品均,去年10月協議離婚,周品均日前淚訴遭家暴多年鄭父代子喊冤否認家暴,反控是媳婦外遇被徵信社拍到照片



Tuesday 4 February 2014

Malaysia's first software billionaire

Goh Peng Ooi Dr Goh Peng Ooi's Silverlake Axis listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange in 2003. It shares price rise from S$0.48 in December 2012 to a high of S$0.90 a year later. With Dr Goh owning 74% of Silverlake, which is headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, his stake, as of end Dec 2013, is worth around S$1.45billion or US$1.14billion. Making him Malaysia's first software billionaire, and it is in US Dollars.

Silverlake Axis, Malaysia’s top banking software provider, cofounded by Goh in Kuala Lumpur in 1989. Another banking software provider, e-Business Sdn Bhd founded by Penang base Chan Hong Saik, remain a private company. 1989 seem using very old technology. e-Business sdn Bhd form at later stage. But still using IBM technology. e-Business sdn Bhd have partner with Oracle later whereas Silverlake Axis have become Microsoft Certified Gold Partner to use Microsoft's .NET technology. However, people I spoke to who used IBM technology claim IBM provide more stable environment than workstation in banking environment.

Dr Goh cofounded his company with 5 computer nerds from Jack Henry & Associates (4 persons) and Altel (1 person), both leading Banking and financial solution provider in US,Bill Osborn、John Linton、JimClevenger、Mark Gulliford. No body in their employer company able to communicate with the five computer nerds. Thus, their superior happy to let them to joint Dr Goh. Dr Goh seem the only person understand what they talk. Thus, the five also happy to joint Dr Goh to co-found the company. However, those computer nerd refuse to take any equity. Dr Goh end up holding 74% of the company today.

Jack Henry & Associates and Altel must be unexpected the 5 computer nerds they let go become their strong competitor one day.

Both Silverlake Axis and e-Business Sdn Bhd got their big break when UOB Singapore chairman Wee Cho Yaw decided to try their product and decided to use their solution worldwide few year later. It seem UOB. It seem UOB is most daring bank to try software developed by Malaysia company.

When pitch for UOB. Dr Goh bring along two nerds. The consultant hire by UOB to evaluate their pitch appear not familiar with banking and financial's IT system. The nerds then just ignore the consultant. Usually, a business man will try to please your client's consultant a they are decision maker but not the nerds. Dr Goh was nervous in the room afraid of losing the job aa the nerds just don't care.

Dr Goh  ranked No. 19 on Forbes’ 2013 list of Malaysia’s richest and ranked No.23 on the Forbes list of Malaysia’s richest in 2012.

In 2002, Silverlake entered the Chinese market. In 2008, it acquired 30% stake in Unifisoft Holdings Ltd(UHL), an IT software and service companies serving the financial industry in China.

In 2010, it acquired QR Technology Sdn Bhd, a move seen by industry analysts to diversify its software businesses to include non-financial enterprise application, targeting enterprise businesses especially in China. According to a research report by Singapore’s DMG & Partners Research, after the acquisition of QR Technology, Silverlake managed to secure its first strategically important customer Hainan Airlines Hainan Airlines Group, a multi-industry conglomerate in China with annual revenue of over $10 billion, and provided cards & logistics solutions worth over $70m.

In March 2011, Silverlake entered into a restructuring arrangement with Unifisoft Holdings Ltd for the purpose of preparing Beijing-based Global InfoTech Software (“GIT Soft”), which is gunning for IPO in Shenzhen, China. After the restructuring, Silverlake will hold a 27% interest in GIT Soft.

Last year, 2013, Silverlake proposed to acquired Cyber village, a company found by now Opposition Member of Parliament in Malaysia, Tonny Pua.

Having spent nine years working at IBM Malaysia, he named his own banking software firm for the lake in downtown Rochester, Minnesota, where IBM had developed the well-known business system System i. Goh holds a Bachelor’s degree in engineering at the University of Tokyo.

Revenue for fiscal 2013, ending June, were RM300million. CIMB research, in a report in November, 2012, described Silverlake as the "Undisputed King in Asean", with over 85% of its revenue from South East Asian Bank. It expects Silverlake revenue to cross the RM500 million mark in 2015 as over 40% of the leading Southeast Asian banks are using Silverlake Axis Integrated Banking Solution to process banking transactions every day.

Dr Goh was said also have another private venture with a yong man called Hin Kooi in 1996, Silverlake Collaborative Capability and Intelligence Model (SCCIM).


1990年,当全球软件业排名第121位的美国头号金融软件服务供应商Jack Henry&Associates,拱手放走Bill Osborn、John Linton、JimClevenger、Mark Gulliford四位“怪 人”的时候,他们万万想不到,一位来自马来西亚的华裔,居然可以依靠这几位“怪人”成立一间新公司,开发出足以同自己抗衡的银行服务软件,并且在东南亚银行软件服务市场打败此前占据垄断地位的欧美企业。   


    2002年,银湖将触角伸向了中国,并获得了第一个客户青岛商业银行。“随着中国金融业改革的深入,会有越来越多的银行需要我们开发的这种软件,如果没有别的竞争对手进来,我们将取得越来越好的业绩。”5月16日晚,在刚刚参加完北京一家银行的投标会后,吴炳炜向记者描述其未来的商业蓝图。   而这也是吴炳炜一贯的工作风格,但凡重大合同,吴必然亲历亲为,“中国人都讲究对称与平衡,别人老总出来,我自然也要亲自到场”。



 然而,当时的大多数人并不认可吴的观点。吴于是毅然决定创业。“在决定创业之后的一年内,我跑遍全世界许多我认为可能出现天才的国家去寻找开发人才和合伙人,一年之后我只在Altel公司(1位)和Jack henry&associates公司(4位)找到了总共五名同伴。”Altel和Jack henry&associates是全球最主要的金融系统软件供应商。  



 在15年前的东南亚金融业市场,因为欧美企业捷足先登,多数银行先后都上马了包括Altel和Jack henry &associates公司在内的银行服务软件系统。但是,“由于英美国家的软件开发多数基于‘艺术’的设想,而没有完整分析银行服务解决方案所必须解决的所有问题,因此银行都不满意。”吴炳炜说,“这样,就使得由我们开发的产品有了突破口。”  






 在吴炳炜看来,银湖促使印度尼西亚银行业“巨无霸”曼地利银行(Bank Mandiri)的成功转型——银行系统四合一随需而变,是银湖历史上一次重要的转折。   事实上,这一成功被认为是亚太区以至国际银行业随需应变应用的典范。

2003年,银湖集团凭此被IBM评为IBM eServeriSeries全球最佳随需应变解决方案实施奖,它全球范围内唯一一家获此殊荣的IBM合作伙伴。   

Bank Mandiri成立于1998年,经过印尼的四大国有银行合并形成。此前,因为亚洲金融危机的冲击,使得印尼许多银行因为业务的分散和新业务的增加而无法形成一个整体的解决方案,而四大国有银行各自独立的银行系统也人为地设置了整合的障碍。合并之后,曼地利银行成为印尼最大的国有银行,总资产为279亿美元,目标设定在成为一家全球性的银行和金融服务提供商。

根据它的业务策略,曼地利银行确定了一项为期3年(2001-2003)的信息科技发展策略规划。   当时,Bank Mandiri拥有超过640家支行和八百万客户遍及整个国家,它们跨过三个不同的时差。而它要求一个必须成功的项目实施来提供整合的基础架构和服务,使其能够提供不间断的客户服务,以快捷的应对市场要求并提高竞争力。该项目还要求有超过20项超大型新一代IT迁移项目同时进行。  


 2001年,银湖集团接手该项目。吴炳炜称:“银湖集团开发的基于IBM eServer i系列平台上的SIBS系统为曼地利实施了IT改造项目,成功的为其提供了完全一体化、参数化的解决方案,这其实是一套完善、有效以及信息丰富的企业管理系统解决方案,这套系统以核心银行应用为中心,涵盖了银行业务发展所需要的几乎所有的应用。”  

 在两年内的时间里,这一项目动员了超过500名的项目成员,共进行了对32个子项目的管理,完成了对超过1万4千名银行职员的培训,并将支持20种系统界面的SIBS系统推广到共679个分支机构、22个金融出口、6个城市操作中心和总部,完成了对600万名客户和620万个客户账户进行的转移工作。   吴炳炜表示:“曼地利银行的成功,标志着银湖已经成为了亚洲最大的银行软件服务解决方案企业。”   





而到2006年,中国银行业加入WTO之后的保护期限将至,中国的银行改制和国际化建设速度将大大加快,对有效的IT解决方案需求将更大。   吴炳炜正是看中了这一机会,他表示,“银湖在中国开拓市场,这几年是最好的时候。”   


 这是吴炳炜在国内的第一笔生意,吴将之称为进入中国的开始。“我们的目标是什么?就是银行需要的目标,他们需要的东西我们都能提供软件的性能能够解决银行的需要就是我们的目标。”   “今后的软件开发将是中国的时代。”吴炳炜说,“要能够提供完整的中国式开发和服务。在中国,我们用这样的理念。”   吴表示,“我们在中国已经有了50人的常驻开发团队,这是银湖进军中国市场的主要力量。下一步我们将吸引更多的中国银行。”

大马富豪吴炳炜分享成功经验 抓紧机会不计后果

Monday 27 January 2014

Corporate Princess 10 : Hong Leong's Quek Sue Yian

Hong Leong 's Quek Leng Chan have 2 sons one daughter. One of his son  Quek Kon Sean married Carmen Chua

Tan Sri Quek only daughter Quek Sue Yian reported to be become sister in law of Jeon Ji-hyun (全智贤). Quek Sue Yian's husband Choi Joon reported to be works for Ssangyong Engineering and Construction, serving in the firm's Malaysian branch.

Quek Sue Yian operate a child book publisher MagicBird Publishing. There is two contradict report on her age. She was said 32 (35 now)when  she get married but was said 38 last year (39 now).

At one point, She was representing Hong Leong Foundation on Hong Leong's CSR programme.

When interview by The Edge's Edgy last year. She said: " I was a lawyer, useless lawyer, then a banker, useless banker.........It just not my call"

She found her passion on child book publishing recently and become a children's rights advocate.

Quek Sue Yian has initiated a social enterprise called One for One books and works this way: for every book that a consumer buys, an identical one will be donated to under-served children or communities to start their own library.

At the moment, books sold under the One for One programme include those from MagicBird Publishing, as well as three other publishers – Oyez!, Penguin and Scholastics.

Besides One for One, Quek also started what she calls “Wisdom Clubs” where children can discuss the books that they read as well as the ideas within them.

On the One for One website , the description of the Wisdom Club stresses on the fact that there are no right or wrong answers in these discussions. What matters is that the children discover things for themselves.


Sunday 19 January 2014

Vincent Tan’s MOL said to Pick Banks for $300 Million U.S. Listing 已委2银行负责IPO 传MOL转向美国上

 Last week, many media in China specifically feature photo of Chryseis Tan simultaneously. we are not sure that are because of our report or it is just a coincident.

MOL Global Pte, the online payments company backed by Berjaya Group's Vincent Tan, picked Credit Suisse Group AG and Deutsche Bank AG to work on an initial public offering in the U.S., reported Bloomberg.

The Malaysia-based company plans to seek about $300 million this year, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the information is private.  MOL Global plan to list in Malaysia when Malaysia achieved top 4 IPO destination in the world in 2012 to give continues support to Malaysia's capital market. However, Malaysia unable to maintain it IPO position in 2013. Thus, market speculated that "MOL Global changed an earlier plan for an IPO in Malaysia because most comparable companies are listed in the U.S"., one person said.

It might be also because Vincent Tan fame in world stage increase after Cardiff City Football Club saga.

MOL Global’s IPO preparations come four years after it acquired Friendster Inc., owner of one of the earliest social networking sites. Bloomberg stated that the proceeds will help it better compete with payment providers including EBay Inc. (EBAY)’s PayPal unit, which has been expanding in emerging markets.
Ganesh Kumar Bangah, the chief executive officer of, didn’t immediately return an e-mail seeking comment.

However, it seem MOL Global and Paypal are competing in two different market. MOL Global more on micro payment on game whereas Paypal more on Ecommerce payment transaction. Anyhow, Ecommerce operator will welcome MOL Global as Paypal has increase it rate charge and exchange rate almost every year. However, as Paypal is controlled by Ebay. eBay prohibited seller to offer other operator as a payment platform like MOL Global. But, Ecommerce operator in Malaysia expected would not hesitate to try for other platform for marketplace other than ebay if MOL Global intended to venture in this area as other cost of doing business like international postage rate has increase substantially in Malaysia.

MOL Global would be the first Southeast Asian company in more than four years to carry out an IPO in the U.S., data compiled by Bloomberg show. Chinese companies raised $906 million through U.S. initial offerings last year, according to the data.

MOL Global, founded in 2000, handles more than 60 million payments annually totaling at least $300 million, according to its website. In 2009, it bought Friendster to tap into its Asian subscriber base.

Tan is the founder of Malaysia’s Berjaya Group, which runs lotteries, Aston Martin dealerships and Starbucks coffee shops in the country. He’s also planning a listing of 7-11 store operator Seven Convenience Bhd., people familiar with the matter said in August.

The billionaire hired CIMB Group Holdings Bhd. to explore an initial public offering of Welsh soccer team Cardiff City Football Club (Holdings) Ltd. in Singapore, a person familiar with the matter said in December.

Update : Is Berjaya chief Vincent Tan set on cashing out on his assets?    

已委2银行负责IPO 传MOL转向美国上市

上星期, 中国媒体竞相报道Chryseis Tan 照片.不知道是不是因为我还只是一个巧合.
,Vincent Tan's MOL eyes US listing, hires 2 foreign banks to work on IPO

这星期,传我国富豪丹斯里陈志远旗下的电子付费服务供应商MOL全球(MOL Global)转向美国进行首次公开募股(IPO)。

消息说,该公司并已委任瑞士信贷(Credit Suisse)和德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)负责其上市计划。
陈志远和嘉纳斯古玛在2000年联合创立MOL AccessPortal公司,于2003年12月上市当时的自动报价市场(MESDAQ)。
他也在探讨其他公司的IPO计划,如大马7-Eleven,以及英国加的夫球会(Cardiff City)。


Corporate Princess 9 : Third daughter of Lee Kim Yew 企业公主系列9 : 李静霓

We have feature first and second daughter of Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew previously. Now, we will feature her third daughter.

Diani Lee Cheng Ni, General Manager of Corporate Marketing and Communications for Country

 Heights Holdings Bhd

Ms Diani officially joined Country Heights Group of Companies on 1 August 2011 as Special Projects Manager under the Deputy Chairman's Office, where she was tasked to oversee business operations for Mines Resort Berhad and the investment portfolio of Country Heights Australia Ltd Pty.

On 18 January 2013, she was appointed to the position General Manager of Corporate Marketing and Communications for Country Heights Holdings Berhad.
Ms Diani obtained her Bachelor of Science with honors in International Relations and Global Business from the University of Southern California, United States. She looks gentle and homely but she's a passionate and active horse rider.

This soft-spoken young lady who’s the youngest daughter of eminent tycoon Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew currently handles the lifestyle, property and investment portfolios of Country Heights Holdings Bhd’s private business.

FlyJet Sdn Bhd, which was first incorporated in 2009,  a plan by Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew to start his own charter jet operations out of Skypark Terminal. Diani Lee Cheng Ni own one share together with former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. Mahathir also owns one share in the company, while Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew owns the majority stake.

Like her elder sisters, she is family-oriented and carries out her filial duties with enthusiasm. Her lifelong passion is horse riding and writing about social-economic issues; she is multilingual and is able to speak fluent Korean and conversational French aside from English and Chinese dialects. She loves travelling, visiting museums and galleries.

Ms Diani is also an accomplished national athlete for Malaysia, competing in Equestrian Dressage, with medals from international competitions such as Asian Games and SEA Games.

Diani Lee is marriage to eldest son of Tan Sri David Law Tien Seng this week (yesterday). Tan Sri David Law Tien Seng sold stake in Australian iron ore firm Midwest in 2008 for more than $100 million, in which he owned a 12% equity interest. He is new shareholder of Hiap Teck Venture Berhad and Perduren There is also report that Tan Sri David Law Tien Seng  collecting many small piece of land around Golden Triangle of Kuala Lumpur.

  企业公主系列9 : 李静霓

0- Diani 1b.jpg - Diani Lee Malaysia Tatler December 2013 cover girl
Diani Lee

 李静霓, 现为綠野集團(CHHB,5738,主板產業組)企业营销及公关总经理.这星期(



丹斯里刘天成考虑到未来想要做长流程的钢铁业务,即需要原料供应,他决定收购澳洲铁矿石供应商中西部公司(Midwest Corporation)。









Thursday 16 January 2014

AirAsia India subject to fresh public objection notice 延至下月底营运 亚航印度遭民航局刁难?

  • Analysts said they were surprised by the DGCA move as the time to seek public comments was over. “The public notice should have been before the NOC stage and not at this juncture,” said Kapil Kaul, chief executive officer of the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation, an aviation think-tank.

On Monday, the Indian Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) has asked the public to raise fresh objections, if any, to granting budget airline AirAsia India, a licence to start commercial operations in the country,the Indian Express newspaper reported yesterday.

This is despite the venture having been cleared by the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) and receiving the Civil Aviation Ministry’s no-objection certificate (NOC).

The notice comes after AirAsia went through a two-month objection period last year, during which, the public and interested parties had time to file objections, if any.

AirAsia India is a 49:30:21 joint venture between AirAsia, Asia’s largest budget airline, Tata Sons and Telestra Tradeplace.

The venture was announced last February and was subsequently approved by the FIPB and the Civil Aviation Ministry.

But the latest DGCA notice offers a 30-day window to “the public and all the persons likely to be affected by the grant of this permit to submit their objections or suggestions, if any”. The notice effectively shifts the timeline set by the airline to start flying by the end of February, said the report.

A top Civil Aviation Ministry official claimed the notice was unavoidable “as the government is under a lot of scrutiny from all quarters”, and was issued under existing rules.

A political party leader Subramanian Swamy went to court last year objecting to the clearance given to AirAsia India to launch an airline. The case, pending in the Delhi High Court, argued that foreign investment rules for the sector did not allow a new airline to fly in the domestic skies.

This is not the first time a Malaysian company facing difficulties to operate India. In 2011, a case has been file on Ananda Krishnan together with a former Indian telecom minister and his brother by investigator of India on charges of criminal conspiracy over a controversial deal involving telecommunication giant Maxis and India’s Aircel and the case is still pending. This does not help even both founder of Air Asia Tony Fernandes and Ananda Krishnan are Malaysian Indian.

Analysts said they were surprised by the DGCA move as the time to seek public comments was over.
“The public notice should have been before the NOC stage and not at this juncture,” said Kapil Kaul, chief executive officer of the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation, an aviation think-tank.

AirAsia is Asia leading budget Airline in Asia model after Virgin Atlantic. It is a public listed company with largest percentage of foreign investor in  Malaysia  Thailand brokerages indicated that it is the only Malaysian counter get most inquiry by investor after Thailand admitted to Asia Trading Link.

AirAsia and Tony Fernandes earn numerous award. AirAsia and it affialite AirAsia X bill order of air craft, usually Airbus was large. French government has conferred Tony Fernandes, Group CEO of AirAsia with the Commander of the Legion d’Honneur award in Novemeber 2013, signifying Fernandes’s outstanding contributions towards the economy of France through the aviation industry.

 Tan Sri Tony Fernandes  also host reality TV show The Apprentice Asia.

 Tan Sri Tony Fernandes, has been honoured with the Innovator of the Year award at the CNBC 12th Asia Business Leaders Awards (ABLA) in Bangkok, in Nov 2013.

AirAsia Berhad was named the "Best Managed Company in Asia for the Airlines and Aviation sector" by international magazine Euromoney few days ago.

延至下月底营运 亚航印度遭民航局刁难?

Analysts said they were surprised by the DGCA move as the time to seek public comments was over.  “The public notice should have been before the NOC stage and not at this juncture,” said Kapil Kaul, chief executive officer of the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation, an aviation think-tank.

 根据印度报章《Indian Express》报道,印度亚航已获得印度外国投资促进委员会(FIPB)和民航部(Civil Aviation Ministry)发出的无异议证书(NOC)。不过,民航局(DGCA)在本周一,再次发出为期30天、公众反对印度亚航营运意见收集的通告。导致印度亚航启航期再延至2月杪。







 亚航在2013年2月宣布,与塔塔集团和Telestra Tradeplace的阿伦巴迪亚(Arun Bhatia)组成的印度亚航,持股权分别为49%、30%和21%。


 亚洲版《飞黄腾达》(The Apprentice Asia)真人秀由亚航的东尼费南德斯领军

亚航空中巴士(Airbus)客机订单2013-11-28 法国政府颁发法国荣誉军团司令勋章授予亚洲航空创办人兼总执行长丹斯里东尼费南德斯,借此表扬他通过航空业为法国经济所作的贡献。

数天前, 国际权威财经杂志《Euromoney》在“2014年亚洲最佳管理和规管公司”投选活动中,再度评选亚航成为“亚洲航空业最佳管理公司”。

Monday 13 January 2014

Tablet software for F&B, CUSCAPI BHD 客凯易 REV平板电脑自助点餐系统

Every hardware have a software as a catalyst for hardware sales. In mainframe, it is Accounting software, In mini computer, it is word processing software. When Apple Computer invented Micro computer, or now call Personal computer or PC, sales growth was not good initially. However, when a spreadsheet (First generation Visicale, now Excel ) come into market. It create a demand for Apple 2 Computer. Another spreadsheet special for IBM PC Lotus 1-2-3 make IBM PC an industry standard for pc. Later, Adobe Postscript also created a demand for Macintosh.

When tablet like ipad come into market. One of the catalyst was it Apps store. But one industry it change is F&B business.

Cuscupi Berhad, a leading POS system for F&B industry in Malaysia, have developed a tablet software for F&B industry call REV for Revenue.

Among the company's clientele for it tranditional POS system in China are Bread Talk Group, Ganso Group, Qing Feng Bao Zi Pu Group, Yong He King ( part of JollibeeGroup), Xiabu-Xiabu and DG.

 In Malaysia, Cuscapi's clients in traditional POS system, among others, are KFC, McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Papa Rich, Sushi King, A&W and TGI Fridays.

The company's sales in China, for example, had grown from RM300,000 in 2008 to RM9.2mil last year. Out of the RM9.2mil, about 80% was derived from our point of sale (POS) system which is comparatively an older product compared with its new manage services offerings such as the Call Centre Delivery services and F&B Interactive Tablet Solutions like REV

REV, among others, enables restaurant diners to view an electronic menu and submit orders with minimal intervention. Its chief executive officer Her Chor Siong tells Digital News Asia (DNA) that the tablet represents the F&B solution provider’s attempt to move from the backend of the F&B business to the customer-facing front-end, where it will replace the print menu with a digital one.

But beyond being just a digital menu, REV will have various interactive features and will be connected to the Point-of-Sale (POS) and Kitchen Display System (KDS).

A customised tablet Cuscapi has spent 18 months developing will help transform it into a long-term recurring-income business, instead of its current software/hardware sales model.

Her said there are competitors, especially the likes of US-based Micros and NCR but their F&B businesses in Asia were small compared to Cuscapi. "This gives us a better position to capitalise the F&B segment as our niche is in Asia,'' he noted.

In August,2013, Digital News Asia (DNA) had interviewed Her who spoke about getting REV tablets into around 40% of the 8,000 table service outlets that Cuscapi is managing. Table service restaurants are mid-tier restaurants.

Developed inhouse with an R&D cost of US$1.23 million (RM4 million), the Android-based software was built by its 90-man software team in Suzhou with hardware design and product roadmap done out of Kuala Lumpur. The company worked with a Chinese manufacturer in Shenzhen to come up with the hardware specs and manufacturing.

Because Cuscapi wanted to integrate REV to other software systems used in F&B outlets it picked the Open Source based Android, and rooted the whole system to have control at the kernel level and not just at the app level.
“As a developer, we knew it was important to have full control over how the hardware and software behaved,” says Her (pic).

The REV tablet comes with various interactive features which are expected to result in cost savings and increased revenue for F&B outlets. The tablet is expected to provide customers with an easy method of ordering and help to drive loyalty programmes and other cross-selling initiatives more effectively.

Behind the development of the tablet lies Cuscapi’s deep knowledge of the F&B business, which contributes 90% of its revenue. That knowledge of how restaurants work, coupled with the realisation that restaurants still do not know who their customers are and have poor loyalty programmes, led to the development of REV as the solution.

“They are still stuck in the brick-and-mortar world,” says Her.

But what about all those apps being developed to help merchants cultivate a closer relationship with their customers? Her is dismissive. “All those customer loyalty apps are half-baked.”

“Currently, we are doing a pilot deployment of our REV tablets in a number of F&B outlets in the region. In Malaysia, we have already rolled out REV to a Western F&B outlet and are working on another large F&B outlet in Kuala Lumpur,” Her said.

“We are also working on potential REV rollouts for our customers in Singapore and China, which will be followed by deployments in other Asean countries such as Thailand and the Philippines in early 2014.

Competitive landscape
From a trial done at a single western restaurant, using an Android tablet, Cuscapi claims that REV offers F&B outlets a hattrick of benefits.

The first is around cost. With around 30% of a waiter’s time taken up by order taking, a pilot showed that this can be taken away leaving the waiters to do more important tasks. Or, an outlet can choose to reduce its headcount. Her says this can save each outlet 25% in labour costs.

Second, the pilot showed that REV actually helped the restaurant increase the bill per table versus other tables at the restaurant that did not have REV. He attributes this to the fact that REV can be programmed to suggest diners make certain orders, for example a salad at a 30% discount, to go with a meat dish ordered.

“With so many of the waiters at mid-tier restaurants being non-Malaysians, the ability to upsell to customers is already being lost. We feel REV can address this,” he says.

Third and most important, Her believes that REV actually helps to give customers a better dining experience, which then leads to them coming back – which in turn means repeat business.

Elaborating on this, he says that REV lets customers know how long their food will take to be prepared and also gives them a chance to offer feedback to the restaurant after their meals. “Gen Y especially will appreciate this, as they want to be empowered with information.”


Her said there are competitors, especially the likes of US-based Micros and NCR but their F&B businesses in Asia were small compared to Cuscapi. "This gives us a better position to capitalise the F&B segment as our niche is in Asia,'' he noted.He does not regard the Sakae Sushi chain of restaurants and Room Service Deliveries as competitors despite their use of the same technology as “they are doing very different things”.

Her says there is a startup in the United States that has something similar called E la Carte. “But their solution is focused on the US market and it is not at the level which we are offering ours, which is fully integrated with the operations of the F&B outlet,” he claims. His bigger worry is about deep-pocketed non-traditional players such as Taobao of China, which recently started offering to help restaurants offer their menus online so that diners can pre-order and pay for their food before coming to the restaurant. That’s probably just a start. But Cuscapi has more than a head-start and leveraging on its existing customer base of thousands of F&B outlets, including the likes of McDonald’s

It seem competition is far more severe than describe by it CEO. A quick search on Google can show many similar Apps come out. the only different is those Apps are develop by small startup cater for SME rather than chain restaurant. And small startup do not have existing customer list like Cuscupi. Thus, it depend on pricing and execution.

Third Quarter loss

On 22 Nov, 2013, CIMB Equities Research described Cuscapi’s 9M13 loss as a disappointment as it had earlier expected RM8.1mil net profit for FY13.

Cuscapi posted net losses of RM1.83mil in 9M13 while for Q3, net losses were RM2.79mil.
“We cut our 2013 EPS but maintain 2014/15 numbers as REV should start to contribute from 2014

“The premium we apply over our market target is supported by our 34.7% 3-year EPS CAGR forecast for Cuscapi,” it said, as it maintained the target price of 70 sen, which is 68% over the current price of 42 sen.

CIMB Research said the stronger-than-expected demand for REV and potential M&As are catalysts that support its unchanged Outperform rating.

Cuscapi’s 9M13 revenue was down 22% on-year mainly due to delays in the implementation of some major jobs. Coupled with higher operating expenses from REV, 9M13 recorded a disappointing RM1.8mil loss.

It said on a more positive note, the delayed major jobs should flow through in 1H14. No interim dividend was declared, in line with its expectations.

“We understand two F&B customers in the Klang Valley and one in Singapore have already started using REV. The company is also working with a few major F&B players in China, and if all goes well, the company could see major REV orders from this country over the next few months.

“We forecast the company achieving about 3,000 REV subscriptions in 2014, rising to 10,000 in 2015. Our forecast for REV is conservative.

“Cuscapi’s balance sheet remains strong with its RM29.6mil in net cash  or 7 sen net cash per share. The cash was raised from a rights issue in May 2013, mainly for M&A purposes in the region,” it said.

Mr Her Chor Siong is Ernst and Young 2013 Entrepreneur Of The Year Malaysia Top Nominees for Technology Entrepreneur category

Update : Cuscapi sees higher revenue with new tablet to boost sales by 30%

客凯易 REV平板电脑自助点餐系统





它的一些客户包括跨国公司以及亚洲和当地餐饮业者。马来西亚的跨国客户,包括麦当劳、肯德基和PIZZA HUT,而本地客户包括Chicken Rice Shop、Pappa Rich和寿司金。
亚洲和中国的大客户,包括Jollibee,Breadtalk、Xiabu-Xiabu、YongHe King、Ganso、Yummy Curry和Overseas Dragon。




菲律宾在未来几年的表现也备受看好。截至2012年底,该公司已经以630万令吉,收购Tills N Labels System Marketing Inc。


继收购Tills N Labels System Marketing Inc之后,预料客凯易可能会收购更多公司刺激公司成长。











联昌国际投行研究 建议




Sunday 5 January 2014

What happen in 2013 2013年最资深有经验美丽的企业公主

Some radio still commenting on what happen in 2013 this week despite we have entered 2014..

I think we also should spend some time on this topic also.

Highest hit page in 2013

Our highest hit page in 2013 is Corporate Pricess 3 : Ruth Yeoh and siblings  . First, there is search from Taiwan reader when rumour of Jacob Yeoh marriage Taiwan legislation speaker's daughter  break out

However, the search of "Jacob Yeoh"and "Jacob Yeoh wedding"continue until today, even the above rumours proof not correct. However, there is little income we received from this page. Traffic from Taiwan was on top traffic received for no more than one week.

Highest income event in 2013

The highest income event for our blog is Company related to Dian Lee suspended by Singapore Stock Exchange after plunge  on penny stock like Blumont, LionGold and Asiansons. It is second highest hit page after above page but income from this event. higher as traffic spread among few other page like Dian Lee, Soh Cheen Wen and Lee Kim Yew, etc.

Top 3 country's reader

Our reader mainly from
1 Malaysia
2 Singapore
3 United state

It is difficult to determine the fourth place as the country vary every week, usually either Hong Kong or Australia. Thailand usually at the bottom of top 10 list and in some week, it doesn't appear on top 10 list at all.

Top income country

Despite our reader from Malaysia. Our top income from Singapore. Either Singapore advertisement are more attractive and reader are more likely to click or Singapore reader are more likely to click an advertisement than Malaysia reader.

Moving forward, we will cover more on Singapore counter as it generate more income.

Most experienced  Corporate Princess

Among all corporate princess we cover in 2013. We find that Sunway's Sarena Cheah with most solid experience.

She have a short stint with IBM, then she have experienced in Sales and Marketing Department, audit and most important, experience in strategy, corporate planning and development Department

She have 15 years of experienced before promoted to CEO, and only a joint CEO. This is common in property development company where one CEO looking at Engineering
 and technical side of company and another CEO cover finance and marketing. With another joint CEO to cover technical site. Together with 15 years experience prior appointment as a joint CEO of the Sunway. There is little chance she can get it wrong and it is lower risk compare to other Corporate Princess we have cover.

Most beautiful Corporate Princess in 2013

Jane Leong of Mah Sing has been  vote Most Beautiful Corporate Princess on
However, Kuok Hui Kwong of South China Post has been voted as Most Beauty Corporate Princess on our Facebook page and page

Thus, daughter of Robert Kuok has been voted as Most beautiful Corporate Princess in 2013 voted by our reader.


Most eligible Corporate Princes 2013

Jane Leong of Mah Sing also voted second beautiful on page, other than get most vote on

Thus, Jane Leong of Mah Sing is most eligible corporate Princess in 2013

Most enterprising Corporate Princess

Dian Lee is the only corporate princess that venture out on her own by co-founding Clear Water Development and never work for her father. She is definitely the only enterprising Corporate Princess cover by us.

Least career minded Corporate Princess

We never officially feature her on our Corporate Princess series, as we unable to find she hold any position nor shareholding in public listed company. She is daughter of controversial Cardiff City's Tan Sri Vincent Tan, Chryseis Tan. However, her instagram have 5,000++ follower today.



謝富年千金谢燕蒂被编辑选为 2013年最资深有经验的企业公主.






根据读者在面子书investalks.com的投票. 郭鹤年女儿郭惠光被读者选为2013年最美丽的企业公主


读者在佳礼投票选马星集团梁婧屹为最美丽的企业公主.在investalks.com的投票.她得到第二高的票. 但总票郭惠光.被选为2013年最有条件的单身企业公主




我们没有正式的在我们的企业公主系列中报道她. 因为我们找不到任何有关她任职上市公司或在上市公司有股权. 她就是英国加的夫球会丹斯里陈志远毕业于日本早稻田大学长女Chryseis Tan陈雪铃. 但,她的instagram现在有五千多追随者.

最新Update : 大马富商女儿怎么玩奢侈
揭秘马来西亚富豪陈志远女儿奢侈生活 名包名表如玩具
英超华裔老板千金曝光 生活奢侈名表如玩具 (图)
英超华裔老板千金曝光 生活奢侈名表如玩具