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Monday, 15 July 2013

Another daughter of Chua Ma Yu 企业公主系列1 : 蔡傌友的女兒蔡嘉文

Carmen Chua 2007 at One KL consttrction site

Talk about daughter of  Tan Sri Chua Ma Yu (Co-founder of RHB Group), everybody think about Carmen Chua, Managing Director of ONE KLCC Sdn Bhd, developed OneKL near KLCC, that is famous for offering a pool with every apartment. feature the innovative "94 Apartments, 95 Swimming Pools". It went on to receive ‘Best Development' under CNBC's International Property Awards,

Having received much acclaim with the exceptional outcome of the award-winning ONE KL project, Carmen shares about her next big venture - Malaysia's first six-star development,The St Regis Kuala Lumpur in KL Sentral, which is expected to be completed in 2014. However, CMY Capital market both One KL and St Regis Kaula Lumpur to local only and never capitalist on recent influx of Taiwanese and Chinese investor. Camen chua have to be high profile to promote the property it family developed.

However, There is at least two nominee representing CMY Capital seem to be siblings of Carmen Chua despite maintaining low profile or, at least not under radar of local media yet.

One is Carmey Chua
In fact, Carmey Chua has been representing CMY Capital on Board of Furniweb Industrial Products Berhad since 2008, accoding to Annual report of Furniweb Industrial Products Berhad. This mean Carmen Chua no longer on board of public listed company since 2008. However, it seem nobody notice the change, or people mistakenly Carmey Chua is Carmen Chua.

Carmen Chua has been ceased to be substantial shareholder of Furniweb, accoding to filing dated 29 May 2013. shares price of Furniweb has been rising 75% since beginning of May 2013

Carmey Chua also resigned as non-Executive director on 7 Jun 2013 following the above disposal.

According to above filing, Carmey Chua hold Master of Science Degree in Applied Mathematics from the London School of Economics and Political Science, United Kingdom and has been working with TIME Engineering Bhd (2001), Deutsche Bank, Research(2003),Credit Lyonnais Securities Asia , Research,Kuala Lumpur (2005)and Merrill Lynch (Asia Pacific) Limited, Equities Trading, Hong Kong (2006)

Base on quick search from web. Carmey Chua was CEO of Waterfront hotel base in Labuan. A property own by Chua family.

Following the above disposal. It seem no people from Chua's family on board of any public listed company since the above date .

Photo from KeeHuaChee.blogpost
From left : Carmen Chua (29), Chee Kee Hua ( Fereelance journalist) and Carmey Chua (27)

Another person suspect to be siblings of Carmen Chua is Simon Chua Sai Men, Simon Chua representing CMY Capital on Chinese Chamber of Commerce.
Photo from KeeHuaChee.blogpost

Update : Chua Ma Yu's son emerges in Cypark - The Edge Malaysia

企业公主系列1 : 蔡傌友的女兒蔡嘉文



Photo from KeeHuaChee.blogpostFrom left : Carmen Chua (29), Chee Kee Hua ( Fereelance journalist) and Carmey Chua (27)




目前,她是ONE IFC私人有限公司的执行董事,公司是吉隆坡瑞吉酒店(ST Regis & Residences)的发展商,这项计划预计会在2014年杪落成,成为城中一大盛事。最近, 大马投资发展局总执行长拿督诺哈鲁丁公布2013年上半年投资数据, 他特别提到瑞吉酒店(St Regis Hotel)在吉隆坡的酒店业发展计划,将协助大马转型为豪华选择地点之一。

馬資源(MRCB,1651;主板建築組)與丹斯里蔡傌友旗下的CMY資本,聯營在吉隆坡中環廣場展開6星級酒店和高級住宅發展計劃,引進全球知名的聖瑞吉(St Regis)酒店。

  • 蔡傌友(左三)和喜達屋亞太區總裁高啟坤(右三)在儀式後握手,左起為Jitra Perkasa董事阿茲蘭、蔡嘉文,右起為喜達屋收購和發展部副總裁馬修及莫哈末合影。

馬資源、CMY資本以及Jitra Perkasa私人有限公司,三方聯營的ONE IFC私人有限公司,2008與全球第3大酒店營運業者喜達屋(Starwood)簽署協議。
根據協議,One IFC公司將負責承建St Regis酒店和高級住宅,喜達屋則負責管理和營運。
St Regis酒店200客房‧200高級住宅單位
One IFC公司首席執行員蔡嘉文在簽約儀式後指出,名為One IFC的混合發展計劃位於吉隆坡中環廣場,佔地約2.2英畝。St Regis酒店將設有200間客房,以及建築200個高級住宅單位。蔡嘉文是蔡傌友的女兒。
蔡嘉文表示,該計劃最終詳情出爐前,無法預估投資總額,投資資金將來自股東基金貢獻。馬資源、CMY資本以及Jitra Perkasa在One IFC公司的持股權各為60%、30%和10%。
她向星洲日報透露,城中城週遭的高級住宅每平方呎售價平均2000令吉,One IFC的高級住宅價格設定將旗鼓相當。
喜達屋是多個著名酒店品牌的營運和管理業者,除了St Regis酒店,其他品牌包括Le Meridien、喜來登和Westin酒店等。
蔡嘉文向星洲日報指出,吉隆坡已經準備就緒迎接6星級品牌酒店。St Regis酒店95%員工將招聘大馬人,對經濟帶來有利效應。

出售Furniweb Industrial Products Berhad股份

蔡嘉文五月出售在Furniweb Industrial Products Berhad的股份. Carmey Chua (妹妹?)辞去 在Furniweb 董事职务. 这刚好发生在最近股市下降之前.可惜Furniweb股价没有下降到蔡嘉文之前出售价.

Camey chua是 纳闽Waterfront Hotel 首席执行员

Furniweb 创办人执行董事LEE SIM HAK跟随, 可以在RM0.70 以上售出, RM0.55 买回来.可以说是最近股市下降大赢家.
Photo from KeeHuaChee.blogpost
Simon chua

Simon Chua(弟弟?)是 蔡傌友资本CMY Capital 在中华总商会代表