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Thursday, 11 December 2014

Most beautiful Corporate Princess Poll 2014 最美丽企业公主投票

It is year end again. Last year, we have conducted Most Beautiful Corporate Princess Poll 2013. We decided to conducted it again this year. As a few new face has been added.

Our Corporate Princess Series has been until Series no 12.  The series will be continue.

However, we will run a poll on 16 persons that we have covered earlier first. 

Reader will able to vote a Most beautiful Corporate Princess among 16 person at our facebook page
  with the following term and condition : 

1 Just "like" on the person photo that you want to vote on our photo album.
2 Result might combined vote from other forum like or if poll conducted in various forum.
3 However, only those who vote on AseanTradingLink's facebook fan page and entitled for lucky draw.
4 Winner only able to "like" one person on AseanTadingLink facebook fan page despite he/she still able to vote on other page, like or Those who "like" more than one person on AseanTradingLink's facebook fan page might be disqualified from lucky draw.
5 Only those who vote the highest corporate princess with combined result of various website entitled for lucky draw for one mystery gift to be announced later.
Mystery gift for Lucky draw sponsor by and the specific gift will be announced later.
6 Total vote received must be over a 200 vote on AseanTradingLink facebook fan page for lucky draw to be conducted. Lucky draw might not be held if total vote received lesser than 200 vote on AseanTradingLink facebook fan page. Thus, Please spread the word around so that total vote received will be over 200 vote on AseanTradingLink facebook fan page
 Monique Shine Enterprise (PG0316265-W) sponsor separately for 's lucky draw. This lucky draw will solely base on result of ( not combined like 5 above) with it own terms and condition. Gift for lucky draw sponsor by  Monique Shine Enterprise (PG0316265-W) are Olay Professional Pro-X Facial Machine

vote Most Beautiful Corporate Princess on photo album of 

Result of 2013 Poll

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Singapore largest FDI in China,Indonesia and India

In Asean, Malaysia is like Belgium in Asia.

Belgium has three official languages, which are (in order of size of the native speaking population of Belgium) Dutch, French and German. Belgium hosts the EU's headquarters as well as those of several other major international organisations such as NATO.

While Malaysia have only one official language. Malaysia have National School (Malay language) and vernacular schools ( Chinese and Tamil respectively). Ideally, Malaysia should have advantage on trade relation with Indonesia, China and India.

However, ASEAN Secretariat base in Indonesia, not Malaysia due to it population and size.

On 14 March 2014, China announced that Singapore FDI to China amounted to USD7.327billion in 2013, making it largest FDI to China, if Hong Kong consider part of China. Hong Kong FDI to China amounted to USD78.302billion in 2013.

On 5 Dec 2014, Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore, Andri Hadi said Singapore was among the five countries with the largest foreign direct investment (FDI) in Indonesia in 2013 and could become the largest investing country this year. By the third quarter of 2014, Singapore was in the lead, with FDI totalling US$4.9 billion, or 22.5 percent of the total FDI.

Earlier, 26 May 2014,Singapore has overtaken Mauritius as the largest source of foreign direct investment into India, ending its long run over the top slot. FDI inflows from Singapore to India added up to nearly $6 billion (over Rs 35,500 crore) in 2013-14

Investors from across the globe have preferred to route funds into India via the Mauritius route because of the tax advantages offered by the island nation located at the tip of the African continent. Singapore has, however, managed to gain some glitter in recent years as India offered similar tax sops as part of the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement, although the treaty came with some riders to ensure that only genuine investors could benefit.

This mean Singapore become largest FDI in Indonesia, China and India. Despite Singapore Chinese dominated compare to more balance ethnic composition of Malay, Chinese and Indian in Malaysia. Further,  Singapore also largest FDI in Vietnam.

Malaysia still largest trading partner with China among 10 Asean countries.  However, Singapore and Thailand is fast trailing behind. 

Earlier, Haier, the leading Chinese electrical appliance maker, announced plan to use Thailand as an operation hub for commercial air conditioners to penetrate other Asean countries when the single market is formed at the end of 2015, in stead of Malaysia 

Thailand, Laos, Myanmar and Cambodia are focus markets for Haier's commercial air conditioners. 

If the sales volume of commercial air conditioners in neighbouring countries reaches economy of scale, Haier will consider setting up production lines for commercial air conditioners in Thailand. 

Haier's factory in Prachinburi now produces a wide range of products, from refrigerators to washing machines, serving domestic and overseas markets including Japan, India, the Middle East and Africa. Haier now offers small appliances there, including set-top boxes for digital TV sets. It plans to launch a new Haier business platform in Thailand next month, combining e-commerce with social media, "

Meanwhile, Malaysia investment in Indonesia including plantation,banking,telecomunication and media industry.

Malaysia investment in India including telecommunication.

Well-known Malaysia brands like Parkson and Shangri-La are household names in China.

Sunday, 7 December 2014


马来西亚政府及大众忧虑消费税(GST)的落实可能会导致通货膨胀效应,百物跟着上涨。掀起新一轮的通货膨胀现象带来连锁性的通货膨胀,令中低收入家庭的生活百上加斤。消费税(GST)会导致引起百货腾涨 ,如何能够把通货膨胀的情况减到最低点。拟定最好的方案来稳定物价。克服消费人对物价上涨的忧虑。成为一大焦点

第一,政府应该宣布在明年1月1日或更早把10%销售税(Sales Tax),下降到消费税的6%。不是等到明年4月1日



第二,改善进项税(Input Tax)回扣机制。

消费税之前,所有物品包括汽水离开生产工厂时就已征销售税,酒店售卖汽水又增服务税,消费人在购买时无形中已缴付双重税收。”消费税采用“消费税回扣机制”,以将消费税回扣给商家,借此降低经商成本。不过,只有注册的公司以及商家,才能够享有该回扣机制。厂商、批发商、零售商所缴付的消费税,政府将全数归还,最终只有消费人需全数缴付6%消费税。消费税可索取的进项税(Input Tax)回退。一旦业者在网上提交消费税手续,当局会在14个工作天内退还有关回扣。而呈交纸质表格者则需要28天。

供应商在出售商品给业者时所征收的消费税,因为能够取得进项税可以回扣,因此在价格计算上应被排除。可是14天至28天进项税(Input Tax)回退。影响商家现金流管理。商家对政府在实施消费税后,将取消销售税及服务税可能给某些消费项目带来“减价”效应,多数商家都表示还未能确定。

此外,高效率国家如新加坡第一年实施消费税时也无法在指定的14天至28天回退进项税(Input Tax)。要商家相信马来西亚政府比高效率国家处理进项税(Input Tax)回退一样效率是不可能的。企业一般放账30天至90天,所以,若企业需要每个月或每3月都缴消费税,这会导致企业的资金无法运转。进项税回退​须另外14天至28天,更大大影响现金流。之前新加坡第一年实施消费税无法在指定的14天至28天回退进项税(Input Tax)使商家无法在价格计算上排除进项税回扣。使价格应下降。

若企业每年的营业额超过500万令吉,就必须每个月都申报消费税;不超过500万令吉则每3个月(季度)申报一次。政府应该让企业每个月或每3个月(季度)申报消费税时让商家直接回扣进项税(Input Tax),使商家缴交6%消费税时比销售与服务税(SST)的10%及 6%少(因为可以回扣进项税),这样商家在价格计算上才愿意排除进项税使物价下降或至少不会使物价大幅上涨。进项税回退​须另外14天至28天,却没有这效果不过听说政府之前拒绝这项要求



由于中小企业在软件提升的费用大约落在2000至5000令吉,而还完全没有电脑化的企业,或需5000至6000令吉,这对企业而言都是沉重的负担。1000令吉的补贴并不足以减缓企业的负担。政府如拒绝直接回扣进项税(Input Tax)要求政府让使用电子会计系统企业直接回扣进项税(Input Tax),需要两星期14天内取得退款,而手动填写报税及退税等文件,建议可以在两星期14天内取得退款,需要28天一个月。这样不只鼓励企业投资购买消费税软件系统,也使用电子会计系统的企业有更好现金流,进而控制物价。因为获批的软件必须拥有标准的消费税审计档案(GST Audit File),供使用者能直接传输资料到关税局让当局审核。不应该让企业再等14天。


这是因为私人有限公司较为人所相信,每年例行的稽查能确保商家的帐目得到透明妥当的处理与鉴定。有限公司有专业协助,如稽查师、税务代理、咨询顾问等。专家有专业的知识与经验能支援商家全面地实践消费税,降低申报消费税的错误。如果企业是有限公司,之前有销售税及服务税申报经验,使用消费税电脑软件系统,那错误的几率是很低的。政府应该让企业每个月或每3个月(季度)申报消费税时直接回扣进项税(Input Tax)。不应该等两星期14天内取得退款。
换句话说,建议政府应该让有以下一项或全部条件企业申报消费税时直接回扣进项税(Input Tax):
1) 使用电子会计系统消费税软件
2) 企业是有限公司
3) 之前有销售税及服务税申报经验

如果政府能够宣布在明年1月1日或更早把10%销售税,下降到消费税的6%。及让有以上一项或全部条件企业申报消费税时直接回扣进项税(Input Tax)。企业享受到政府在实施消费税后,取消销售税及服务税(SST)可能给某些消费项目带来“减价”效应把通货膨胀的情况减到最低点。

读者回馈意见: 消费税与通货膨胀

最新消息: 消费税取代软饮销售税 星狮节省税金回馈客户

Thursday, 27 November 2014

Bank should waive online account fee from 2 Jan 2015

After we published our blog post  Petroleum price drop below Malaysia subsidy level on 28 October 2014. One reader or cyber trooper Wow123 commented that our post just another  talk syior sendiri lio lor .

One of veteran TV host (guy) on Astro AEC's Evening News, Gan, even comment within 24 hours of our blog post that, While petroleum price is dropping, one country, China, is accumulating stock of petroleum. This mean China do not think the current low petroleum price level would be prolong. And he laugh after he said

  On 21 November 2014, Malaysia government announced that retail prices for RON95 petrol and diesel will be fixed according to a managed float effective Nov 2014. This proof every comment above wrong. We thank Malaysia government to lift burden of Malaysia, which have been pressured by inflation and price increase recently. But what next?

Effective 2 Jan 2015, those issuing a cheque will be charged a 50 sen processing fee by commercial banks.  The fee was in addition to the existing 15 sen stamp duty per cheque.

Bank Negara announced this measure on March 20, 2013 to promote the use of electronic payment (e-payment) while capping the fee for interbank GIRO transactions performed via Internet and mobile banking at a maximum of 10 sen from May 2, 2013.

Thank you, Bank Negara. As some bank charge RM2.00 per transaction compare to RM0.15 per cheque than.

However, Bank still charge a monthly fixed charges despite transaction fee cap at RM0.10 per transaction. This is still a burden to Small and Medium Enterprise ( SME ) especially those issue less than 20 cheque per month. This act as a deterrent to SME who have less than 20 transaction per month to switch from issue cheque to e-payment.

Nanyang did a survey on 23 February 2014. Maybank charge minimum RM10.00 per month, plus transaction fee ranging RM78.00 to RM128.00 per month.UOB charges RM10.00 per month to be able to view transaction and check balance online, If want online transaction additional RM50.00 per month will be charges. Public Bank charges RM50.00 on first month and RM20.00 every month subsequently. RHB Bank charge RM30.00 per month regarless any transaction or not.

Cash in current account do not earn you any interest. Bank able to make use of the cash and need not pay any interest to account holder. Now for online account. Bank will charge you money even if you have money in bank and bank able to make used of your money to earn interest for them.

This does not encourage business to switch from cheque to e-payment, especially SME who issue less than 20 cheques per month.

Association of Banks Malaysia (ABM) said cost of processing each cheque amounted to RM3.00 per cheque compare to extra RM0.50 charges. Bank still incurred RM300 million per year in processing cheque.  This mean bank in Malaysia will safe RM300 million per year if all company shift from cheque payment to e-payment. Then, shouldn't bank be the one who absorb the cost of of developing the software by waiving all the monthly charges on business as  bank have RM300 million saving in cost per year and should not pass the cost of software to business.

We urge Bank Negara and Association of Banks Malaysia (ABM) to waive all monthly charges to account holder effective 2 Jan 2015. Same date when extra RM0.50 charge on each cheque issue.

Update :收50仙支票费 国行设立基金 明年奖掖电子付费
 Steps unveiled to speed up migration to e-payments
郑己胜:鼓励客户使用 政府应吸纳电子付费成本

Monday, 17 November 2014

CapitaMalls Malaysia Trust (CMMT) severely affected by Sungei Wang Plaza poor performance

 CapitaMalls Malaysia Trust (CMMT) , a REIT by Singapore's CapitaLand, manages Gurney Plaza in Penang, a majority interest in Sungei Wang Plaza in Kuala Lumpur, The Mines in Selangor and East Coast Mall in Kuantan, Pahang, a portfolio with a total net let table area of over 2.5mil sq ft.

Sungei Wang Plaza continued to suffer negative rental reversion. The mall continues to be plagued by the MRT construction which resulted in a decline in shopper traffic, thus leading to the negative rental reversion .

AmResearch said CMMT had achieved an overall positive rental reversion of +3.3% for the nine-month financial year 2014 (FY14) period – Gurney Plaza (+7.7%), The Mines (+7.4%), East Coast Mall (+13.5%) and Sungei Wang Plaza (-7.3%).

Sungei Wang Plaza Merchants Association Kuala Lumpur (tenant) claim poor management by Property Manager CB Richard Ellis(Malaysia)Sdn Bhd (CBRE).

Sungei Wang Plaza Merchants Association Kuala Lumpur claim some lot able to command RM25,000 per month but now no taker even at RM6,000 to RM10,000 per month. They claim the plaza have few hundred vacant lot (excluding 6th floor), of which, 70%  of vacant lot own by CMMT and the balance of 30% vacant lot own by private individual owner. Sungei Wang Plaza have 600 lots. This seem more severe than AmResearch of -7.3% base on 3rd quarter result.

Earlier, Nanyang reported that CBRE refuse to answer query from media.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Opportunity for non-lawyers to hold share in a law firm

Former lawyers from Kuala Lumpur-based legal outfit Zaid Ibrahim and Co, commonly shortened to “Zico”, are seeking to list a Singapore-based company on Singapore’s Catalist Board.

Zico Holdings Inc, integrated professional services provider, has placed out 48 million shares at 30 cents (77 sen) apiece and will be listed on the Catalist Board on Nov 11.

Malaysia's biggest law firm has come up with a novel way to tap into capital markets while adhering to local rules that forbid non-lawyers from owning law firms.

Zico’s IPO is targeted at raising S$14.4mil (RM37.18mil) from institutional investors, where net proceeds of about S$12.5mil (RM32.27mil) will fund business growth within South-East Asia via acquisitions and expansions of new services or strengthening of existing ones.

Labuan-incorporated Zico Holdings provides professional services in areas such as trust advisory, business support and advice on syariah.

The holding company, Zico Holdings Inc, is legally separate from Zaid Ibrahim, which is part of a regional network of law firms known as ZICOlaw. However, they are closely linked in terms of business; Zico provides management and business support services to ZICOlaw network firms, which remain status quo in the provision of law services.

“It wasn’t easy leaving my practice behind, but as managing director of the firm supporting ZICOlaw, there’s more flexibility in servicing our clients because of the multi-disciplinary nature of our business,” says Zico managing director Chew Seng Kok, who was formerly Zaid Ibrahim’s managing partner. Chew had to leave the law practice in order to be allowed to run Zico.

ZICOlaw, founded by controversial politician, Zaid Ibrahim, no longer have any interest in the law firm other than his name still appear as brand.. Zaid Ibrahim an ex-Minister in Prime Minister Department of Malaysia during Abdullah badawi era. He resign as a Minister to protest for government use of Internal Security Act (ISA). He joint PKR and fall out with opposition leader anwar Ibrahim when he contest for chairman of PKR. He is one of columnist of The Star

Zico and ZICOlaw firms also “cross-promote” and offer “integrated services” to each other’s customers, reported The Star.
“Most big Asean players are in Singapore. We see ourselves as an Asean player, so this ties in strategically,” Chew says.
Law firms, generally structures as partnerships, are usually limited from raising capital with the lawyers’ own funds or bank borrowings, Chew says.

He points out that law firms are typically owned by lawyer partners. That means that any money needed for an upgrade to a law firm’s information technology systems, for instance, would have to come from its partners.
But with the way the holding company is set up, ZICOlaw network firms can tap capital markets for that funding rather than partners’ pockets, he said.
In fact, it was through ZICOlaw’s network that Chew contrived the idea of creating a holding company that provided support to law firms.
“It worked out beautifully and it was unique because the lawyers were autonomous,” says Chew.
The bread and butter of the business are syariah law cases and secretarial services – typically recurring income.
“These contribute more than 50% of our revenue,” Chew says.
Pre-tax profit came in at RM13mil, up 145% from FY2011.
Zico does own some law firms in South-East Asia, but only in Myanmar and Laos, where law firms are allowed to be owned by non-lawyers. This create an opportunity for non-lawyer to become shareholder of law firm.

“No one else has done this. We have the first mover’s advantage, that’s why we have garnered so much interest,” Chew says. “We foresee other players hopping onto the bandwagon after us.”

Elsewhere in South-East Asia, the ZICOlaw network is present in every South-East Asian country except Brunei and the Philippines.
Managing director Chew Seng Kok says the IPO would also help the company retain talent in those markets by offering stock options to employees.

“We now have the ability to align the interests of shareholders with performance,” Chew says. “As we anticipate a talent war, this gives them something to hold on to. Seeing as we can’t support them enough, equity would be important to them.”

Zico’s margins are healthy at above 50% and reflective of the business it is in, Chew says.

For the financial year ended Dec 31, 2013, Zico achieved revenue of RM19.2mil, up 115.7% from RM8.9mil two years earlier.

“We need the working capital to do more. We need more capital to support our information technology support software, for instance. That would facilitate our replicating the business models,” Chew says.
Zico Holdings managing director Chew Seng Kok: The setup of our holding company enables us to be more flexible due to the multi-disciplinary nature of our business.
Chew: ‘We need more capital to support our information technology support software, for instance.(pic from The Star)

Saturday, 8 November 2014

Pauline Chai Siew Phin step sister of Tan Sri Khoo Kay Peng

High profile divorce case between Tan Sri Khoo Kay Peng, who run Malayan United Industries and Laura Ashley and Miss Malaysia 1969 Pauline Chai Siew Phin, make headline recently. People also gossip about 1,000 pair of shoes Pauline Chai claim to have.

Few tycoon in Malaysia marriage a Miss Malaysia. People might be curious about their love story! How they started?

A Malaysia gossip weekly magazine, Special Weekly specifically feature their love story recently.

Photo: 第705期號外周報推出市场了。
Malaysia familiar with story of Tan Sri Khoo Kay Peng, an ex-banker who used MUI group to acquired a cement plant ( now Lafarge) and a hotel chain (Now Corus Hotel) to form a conglomerate.

However, recent Special Weekly reported that actually Tan Sri Khoo Kay Peng has a rich father. He inherited MUI ( a toothpaste manufacturing plant then) from his late father.  

His late father have a second wife, who has a daughter then. This mean Pauline Chai is step sister of Tan Sri Khoo Kay Peng and they grow up together since young age.

However, Pauline Chai is second wife of Tan Sri Khoo Kay Peng. Tan Sri Khoo have a first wife and he divorce his first wife to marriage his step sister, Pauline Chai.

Pauline chai contest in Miss Malaysia pageant 1969 and won. During media interview, media ask what is her ideal husband criteria. She reply that, if I want to marriage, I hope to marriage a man like my brother. When media reported the interview the next day. Tan Sri Khoo read it and realise her step sister actually admirer him secretly. He get touch and decided to marriage his step sister.

Christian forbid divorce and second marriage. It is not sure whether the couple baptized before or after their marriage.

Children get bully in Australia

One of the reason Tan Sri Khoo move his family from Australia to Canada because his children get bully in Australia. This is similar to what happen to Taiwan base Malaysian chinese singer Gary Chaw 曹格. Gary Chaw reveal in a radio (988) interview that his parent send him to Australia at very young age. He face racial discrimination and bully by white children in Australia's school. This seem happen regardless of whether you are rich or poor. It seem Gary Chaw do not have rich father that able to move him to Canada. Thus, he have to fight his case on his own with other schoolmate from asia. He have to fight them first, let them know that he cannot easily get bully, then he negotiate with them. Ask them whether they want to become enemy or friend with him. He suggest that it can only be Win win if they become friends rather than become enemy as they cannot avoid seeing each other everyday. Eventually, Gary Chaw become friends with his schoolmate.

It seem poor people without rich father able to face the challenge better than rich people, who give up and run away when problem arise. It doesn't mean a person have more advantage if you have a rich father. Gary Chaw, who become famous in China on TV reality show " Where are we going, Dad?"爸爸去哪兒 said he would never send his children overseas at young age alone, unless he went together to protect them 

However, people who went to UK boarding school like Air Asia's founder Tony Fernandes seem do not encounter such problem. Tony Fernandes even want to bring  Epsom College to Malaysia.

Daughter support wife

His daughter Angeline Francis appear on court and and said she support her mother Pauline Chai to divorce her father. I think she has right to support anyone as she gave a valid reason. However, what people curious and gossip is why she support the divorce case to be hear in UK but not in Malaysia? Shouldn't a divorce proceeding able to be expedite in Malaysia then in UK, if she claim her mother in a miserable marriage and desperately want to out of this marriage?

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Coastal Contracts Bhd's Ng Chin Heng, from RM500,000 to RM837million 沿海工程黄振兴从50万到8.35亿

Coastal Contracts Bhd can trace its roots to the early 1980s when former animal feed trader Ng Chin Heng, together with his wife and brothers, bought over a loss making tug and barge outfit called Coastal Transport (Sandakan) Sdn Bhd founded by a Sabahan at RM500,000.00. He only age 33 at that point.

It only had a fleet of four small tankers at the time, used mainly to ship commodities around the Borneo region. 

Ng, 66, who now holds the position of executive chairman, was previously a trader in animal feed, fertiliser and raw rubber in the 1970s. He had no prior knowledge of the shipping business.

But the enterprising Sabahan learnt on the job, and even paid visits to shipyards in Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and China, facilitating the group’s entry into ship fabrication in 1993.

This is like Mitsubishi Sogoshosha in Japan. which started from shipping business and then venture into shipbuilding. Another company have similar trend is Petronas controlled MISC, which also controlled Malaysia Marine and Heavy Engineering Sdn Bhd (MMHE). 

However,I feel one company most similar to Japan's Mitsubishi Sogoshosha in Malaysia is Boustead Holdings Berhad, which has a trading house and a Banking arm Affin Bank Berhad, Other than have a naval shipyard controlled by boustead heavy industries corporation. As Mitsubishi also own a bank.

Back to Coastal Contracts Bhd and Ng Chin Heng

His fledgling marine transportation firm went on to be listed on the Main Board of Bursa Malaysia in 2003.

He and the company has survived 3 recession.

In 1985 recession, few of his customers in Singapore close down, which affected his company operation. 

During Asean Financial Crisis in 1997, it is fortunated that some contract in USD has mitigate the  effect.

Subprime crisis also have little affect on the company, as company able to maintain it growth 
 in 2008/2009.

Sandakan, Sabah-based Coastal Contracts owns 100 acres of yard space where it builds tugs, barges and offshore supply vessels (OSV).

The group has over the years carved a niche in the construction of sophisticated, higher-end OSVs that deliver better margins.

Ng Chin Heng (Second from left together with board member during IPO at 2003

The company had some years ago ordered its first jack-up drilling rig, the Friede & Goldman JU2000E, costing US$210mil (RM697.2mil).

The rig expected to be completed in the third quarter of this year, has a water depth of 400 ft and drilling depth of 35,000 ft.

Ng directly and indirectly controls 49.34% of the group, filings with the stock exchange show, value at RM837million as at 31 Dec 2013. Not bad, for a company start with just RM500,000 in a loss making company.

Data from  : The Star, Nanyang


沿海工程的前身,名为沿海交通(Coastal Transport),始于1976年,由一名沙巴人开始经营,但公司蒙受亏损,原持有人决定出售公司。
获《福布斯亚洲》肯定 入榜“200大最佳公司”
例如,公司曾在《福布斯亚洲》“200大10亿美元以下最佳公司”连续6年榜上有名;毕马威(KPMG)股东价值大奖则连续5年获奖;《The Edge》10亿令吉俱乐部企业奖项的2011年“最赚钱公司奖”。
挨过三次经济风暴 沿海工程乘风破浪
拟打入油气上游 扩充造船价值链
此外,原油价格高企,加上岸外勘探活动捎来好消息,带动国际升降式钻油台(Jack-up Drilling Rigs)需求,特别是在东南亚、中东及墨西哥海湾等。
最近数年,公司也提供出租升降式天然气压缩服务单位(Jack-up Gas Compression Service Unit)。
