Today is last trading day for year of Rooster. It's time to adjust your portfolio.
4 Feb 2018 is first day of spring in Solar Chinese Calendar. It deem officially cross into year of dog. Not first day of Chinese New Year as that follow Lunar Chinese Calendar.
Stock Market
1994 : "Super Bull Run" collapse immediately after Chinese New Year when former Finance Minister of Malaysia warned that the stock market of Malaysia become irrational.
2006 : On 7 November 2006 ( year of dog ) – The KLCI passes the 1,000 mark hurdle, for the first time since 2000.
Which one will happen in 2018. 1994 or 2006?
Every stock market player curse Tun Daim for his bad mouth causing the collapse of stock market in 1994, year of dog.
While there is rotational play on selective small cap stock and technology counter on 2017 and it still increasing. I can't say it can be describe as "Super Bull Run". Will there be collapse like what happened in 1994, a year of dog?
As 2017 behave like 1981 and 2005 but not 1993. ( Year of Rooster ). It seem stock market of Malaysia would behave like 1982 or 2006. But not 1994 ( Year of dog ) . Party might end, or there may even be a minor correction, especially those counter that have fundamental support or over value fundamentally, or those counter that only rise once in 12 years. But I doubt there would a be collapse like 1994 ( Year of dog ) . As 2017 behave like 1981 and 2005 but not behave like "Super Bull Run " in 1993. ( All year of Rooster )
1994 : Spill over effect of Super Bull Run of Stock Market causing property price, double, triple or even quadruple compare to 2 years ago, until 1997/98 Asean Financial Crisis.
2006 : No " Super Bull Run" in 2005. Thus, Property price remain slump in 2006. It is in 2007 ( Year of Pig ) that Carmen Chua have to request government to intervene by abolish Real Property Gain Tax ( RPGT ) .
As 2017 not a super Bull Run of stock market like what happened in 1993. Thus, there is no spill over effect of profit from stock market to property market like what happened in 1994. Property Market might behave like 2006 in 2018. It would not going up until government intervene. It is in 2007 ( Year of Pig ) that Carmen Chua have to advise government to abolish Real Property Gain Tax ( RPGT ) . But because of government grant her appeal in that year that cause people cannot afford to bought a house in our home country now. Thus, the advise is government should not intervene this round.
According to theory of Tao Zhu Gong / Dao Zhu Gong 陶朱公 Fan Li 范蠡, Year of Monkey, rooster, dog, Pig, Mouse and Cow should be high property price year and should be a budget surplus year for government. Government should not intervene the economic and should let the demand and supply or invisible hand ( Adam Smith )do the job. Intervention of government on those year would cause property price to a level the cannot afford by people. If government unable to maintain budget surplus on those year. Government might not have budget surplus in the following 6 years. Causing a budget deficit of 12 consecutive year. Theoretically, it is unlikely to have budget surplus when the country in recession when a country have strong growth yet still in budget deficit.
Whereas in the year of Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, snake, horse, and goat. Government should apply Keynes theory of budget deficit.
In 1982, year of dog, Commodity price collapse. In fact, Malaysia Tin industry collapse on those year. Other like Gold , Silver, Copper also in a long term correction.
However, in 2006, another year of dog, Anybody bet on Commodity price like Petroleum, Gold etc gain in the following few years.
Would 2018 like what happen in 1982 or 2006?
Commodity price, like gold , Silver,Petroleum and copper stand firm at the end of year of Rooster. Thus, it seem unlikely to behave like what happened in 1982, where commodity price Collapse. ( Price move up (1980) collapse at the end of Monkey)
Again, commodity might follow the trend in 2006 ( like property expected to also follow 2006, not 1982 ) in stead of 1982 ( Both year of dog ) .
Bit Coin "Super Bull Run" may end
The biggest "Super Bull Run" in 2017 happen in bit coin in stead of stock market. Thus, "Super Bull Run" might end in year of dog. Be careful. It may come faster and severe than you expected.
But don't curse me like you curse Tun Daim if it happen.
In 1970, Tunku Abdul Rahman step down as Malaysia first Price Minister and Tun Abdul Razak become second Price Minister. But that is because general election held in year of Rooster (1969 ) and racial riot happened in year of Rooster. 1970 also beginning of New Economy Policy ( NEP )
Malaysia Prime Minister Najib never held General Election in year of Rooster.
In 1982, Tun Dr Mahathir first general election after he become Price Minister of Malaysia and Barisan National victory.
Unfortunately, This is not Najib first General Election after he come Price Minister. Would Tun Dr Mahathir have luck again in year of dog?
It is interesting to see what will transpired.
Generally, theory of Tao Zhu Gong / Dao Zhu Gong 陶朱公 Fan Li 范蠡 use for predict economic cycle in stead of political event. But refugee crisis in middle east similar to what happen in Vietnam 36 years ago. It is better we see what happen in year of dog even it is not involve economic cycle.
Falklands War happened in 1982.
What similarity between Argentina and UK in 1982 and in 2018 are relationship between North Korea and South Korea. No harm to be careful , south Korea.
First day of Spring
Remember to play egg balancing game by try to stand an egg on Lup Chun day. First day of Spring on 4 Feb 2018.