Dr Goh Peng Ooi's Silverlake Axis listed on the Singapore Stock Exchange in 2003. It shares price rise from S$0.48 in December 2012 to a high of S$0.90 a year later. With Dr Goh owning 74% of Silverlake, which is headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, his stake, as of end Dec 2013, is worth around S$1.45billion or US$1.14billion. Making him Malaysia's first software billionaire, and it is in US Dollars.
Silverlake Axis, Malaysia’s top banking software provider, cofounded by Goh in Kuala Lumpur in 1989. Another banking software provider, e-Business Sdn Bhd founded by Penang base Chan Hong Saik, remain a private company. 1989 seem using very old technology. e-Business sdn Bhd form at later stage. But still using IBM technology. e-Business sdn Bhd have partner with Oracle later whereas Silverlake Axis have become Microsoft Certified Gold Partner to use Microsoft's .NET technology. However, people I spoke to who used IBM technology claim IBM provide more stable environment than workstation in banking environment.
Dr Goh cofounded his company with 5 computer nerds from Jack Henry & Associates (4 persons) and Altel (1 person), both leading Banking and financial solution provider in US,Bill Osborn、John Linton、JimClevenger、Mark Gulliford. No body in their employer company able to communicate with the five computer nerds. Thus, their superior happy to let them to joint Dr Goh. Dr Goh seem the only person understand what they talk. Thus, the five also happy to joint Dr Goh to co-found the company. However, those computer nerd refuse to take any equity. Dr Goh end up holding 74% of the company today.
Jack Henry & Associates and Altel must be unexpected the 5 computer nerds they let go become their strong competitor one day.
Both Silverlake Axis and e-Business Sdn Bhd got their big break when UOB Singapore chairman Wee Cho Yaw decided to try their product and decided to use their solution worldwide few year later. It seem UOB. It seem UOB is most daring bank to try software developed by Malaysia company.
When pitch for UOB. Dr Goh bring along two nerds. The consultant hire by UOB to evaluate their pitch appear not familiar with banking and financial's IT system. The nerds then just ignore the consultant. Usually, a business man will try to please your client's consultant a they are decision maker but not the nerds. Dr Goh was nervous in the room afraid of losing the job aa the nerds just don't care.
Dr Goh ranked No. 19 on Forbes’ 2013 list of Malaysia’s richest and ranked No.23 on the Forbes list of Malaysia’s richest in 2012.
In 2002, Silverlake entered the Chinese market. In 2008, it acquired 30% stake in Unifisoft Holdings Ltd(UHL), an IT software and service companies serving the financial industry in China.
In 2010, it acquired QR Technology Sdn Bhd, a move seen by industry analysts to diversify its software businesses to include non-financial enterprise application, targeting enterprise businesses especially in China. According to a research report by Singapore’s DMG & Partners Research, after the acquisition of QR Technology, Silverlake managed to secure its first strategically important customer Hainan Airlines Hainan Airlines Group, a multi-industry conglomerate in China with annual revenue of over $10 billion, and provided cards & logistics solutions worth over $70m.
In March 2011, Silverlake entered into a restructuring arrangement with Unifisoft Holdings Ltd for the purpose of preparing Beijing-based Global InfoTech Software (“GIT Soft”), which is gunning for IPO in Shenzhen, China. After the restructuring, Silverlake will hold a 27% interest in GIT Soft.
Last year, 2013, Silverlake proposed to acquired Cyber village, a company found by now Opposition Member of Parliament in Malaysia, Tonny Pua.
Having spent nine years working at IBM Malaysia, he named his own banking software firm for the lake in downtown Rochester, Minnesota, where IBM had developed the well-known business system System i. Goh holds a Bachelor’s degree in engineering at the University of Tokyo.
Revenue for fiscal 2013, ending June, were RM300million. CIMB research, in a report in November, 2012, described Silverlake as the "Undisputed King in Asean", with over 85% of its revenue from South East Asian Bank. It expects Silverlake revenue to cross the RM500 million mark in 2015 as over 40% of the leading Southeast Asian banks are using Silverlake Axis Integrated Banking Solution to process banking transactions every day.
Dr Goh was said also have another private venture with a yong man called Hin Kooi in 1996, Silverlake Collaborative Capability and Intelligence Model (SCCIM).
This blog is about stock market, share market, economic and company in Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand.
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Tuesday, 4 February 2014
Malaysia's first software billionaire
1990年,当全球软件业排名第121位的美国头号金融软件服务供应商Jack Henry&Associates,拱手放走Bill Osborn、John Linton、JimClevenger、Mark Gulliford四位“怪 人”的时候,他们万万想不到,一位来自马来西亚的华裔,居然可以依靠这几位“怪人”成立一间新公司,开发出足以同自己抗衡的银行服务软件,并且在东南亚银行软件服务市场打败此前占据垄断地位的欧美企业。
2002年,银湖将触角伸向了中国,并获得了第一个客户青岛商业银行。“随着中国金融业改革的深入,会有越来越多的银行需要我们开发的这种软件,如果没有别的竞争对手进来,我们将取得越来越好的业绩。”5月16日晚,在刚刚参加完北京一家银行的投标会后,吴炳炜向记者描述其未来的商业蓝图。 而这也是吴炳炜一贯的工作风格,但凡重大合同,吴必然亲历亲为,“中国人都讲究对称与平衡,别人老总出来,我自然也要亲自到场”。
然而,当时的大多数人并不认可吴的观点。吴于是毅然决定创业。“在决定创业之后的一年内,我跑遍全世界许多我认为可能出现天才的国家去寻找开发人才和合伙人,一年之后我只在Altel公司(1位)和Jack henry&associates公司(4位)找到了总共五名同伴。”Altel和Jack henry&associates是全球最主要的金融系统软件供应商。
在15年前的东南亚金融业市场,因为欧美企业捷足先登,多数银行先后都上马了包括Altel和Jack henry &associates公司在内的银行服务软件系统。但是,“由于英美国家的软件开发多数基于‘艺术’的设想,而没有完整分析银行服务解决方案所必须解决的所有问题,因此银行都不满意。”吴炳炜说,“这样,就使得由我们开发的产品有了突破口。”
在吴炳炜看来,银湖促使印度尼西亚银行业“巨无霸”曼地利银行(Bank Mandiri)的成功转型——银行系统四合一随需而变,是银湖历史上一次重要的转折。 事实上,这一成功被认为是亚太区以至国际银行业随需应变应用的典范。
2003年,银湖集团凭此被IBM评为IBM eServeriSeries全球最佳随需应变解决方案实施奖,它全球范围内唯一一家获此殊荣的IBM合作伙伴。
Bank Mandiri成立于1998年,经过印尼的四大国有银行合并形成。此前,因为亚洲金融危机的冲击,使得印尼许多银行因为业务的分散和新业务的增加而无法形成一个整体的解决方案,而四大国有银行各自独立的银行系统也人为地设置了整合的障碍。合并之后,曼地利银行成为印尼最大的国有银行,总资产为279亿美元,目标设定在成为一家全球性的银行和金融服务提供商。
根据它的业务策略,曼地利银行确定了一项为期3年(2001-2003)的信息科技发展策略规划。 当时,Bank Mandiri拥有超过640家支行和八百万客户遍及整个国家,它们跨过三个不同的时差。而它要求一个必须成功的项目实施来提供整合的基础架构和服务,使其能够提供不间断的客户服务,以快捷的应对市场要求并提高竞争力。该项目还要求有超过20项超大型新一代IT迁移项目同时进行。
2001年,银湖集团接手该项目。吴炳炜称:“银湖集团开发的基于IBM eServer i系列平台上的SIBS系统为曼地利实施了IT改造项目,成功的为其提供了完全一体化、参数化的解决方案,这其实是一套完善、有效以及信息丰富的企业管理系统解决方案,这套系统以核心银行应用为中心,涵盖了银行业务发展所需要的几乎所有的应用。”
在两年内的时间里,这一项目动员了超过500名的项目成员,共进行了对32个子项目的管理,完成了对超过1万4千名银行职员的培训,并将支持20种系统界面的SIBS系统推广到共679个分支机构、22个金融出口、6个城市操作中心和总部,完成了对600万名客户和620万个客户账户进行的转移工作。 吴炳炜表示:“曼地利银行的成功,标志着银湖已经成为了亚洲最大的银行软件服务解决方案企业。”
而到2006年,中国银行业加入WTO之后的保护期限将至,中国的银行改制和国际化建设速度将大大加快,对有效的IT解决方案需求将更大。 吴炳炜正是看中了这一机会,他表示,“银湖在中国开拓市场,这几年是最好的时候。”
这是吴炳炜在国内的第一笔生意,吴将之称为进入中国的开始。“我们的目标是什么?就是银行需要的目标,他们需要的东西我们都能提供软件的性能能够解决银行的需要就是我们的目标。” “今后的软件开发将是中国的时代。”吴炳炜说,“要能够提供完整的中国式开发和服务。在中国,我们用这样的理念。” 吴表示,“我们在中国已经有了50人的常驻开发团队,这是银湖进军中国市场的主要力量。下一步我们将吸引更多的中国银行。”
大马富豪吴炳炜分享成功经验 抓紧机会不计后果”
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