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Saturday, 6 October 2018

Perak's Police war against country most unislamic finance

Islam prohibited interest charges, so do christian's bible. Malaysia has most vibrant Islamic finance, often supported by non-muslim community, despite western country accepted interest as part of modern finance. High interest rate charge by loan shark or ahlong was prohibited by christian.

photo : Sinchew

However, politician often ignore such offence even it has much more social impact to the Rakyat. As it is less controversial to get media attention. Compare to other Taliban like morale police act.
photo : Sinchew

Things has change with the change of government after 9 May 2018.

photo : Sinchew

This week, Perak police has OPS Vulture to war against loan shark or Ahlong. They have detained worker of printer who print poster for loan shark.Take down poster of loan shark and try to get MCMC to blog telephone number on the poster.
photo : Sinchew