Country Heights Holding Berhad have six different business units.The major one is our Property Development division, followed by our Hospitality division ( Palace of the Golden Horses ) , the Health division which carries the brand name of “Golden Horses Health Sanctuary”, Property Investment division (The Mines Wonderland) and lastly, the Education division as well.
When interview with 360celsius magazine She said : "During school holidays, I would always follow my dad around in his office as his PA. Sometimes, I would have to go through HR policies and Country Height’s SOP together with my dad. At that time, I thought that hospitality was quite interesting."
"During one of the semester breaks during my secondary school days, I came in through the back door of the hotel and stood in line with all the other casual laborers to apply for a housekeeping job. They didn’t know who I was because my identity wasn’t exposed. That was my first internship and it was with Palace of the Golden Horses as a housekeeper, and I did that for the entire school holiday. I was assigned to clean the guest rooms and staff toilets. It was the most interesting job ever! You’ll find “interesting” things while you are cleaning. "
Corporate Princess Get Bully
"Nobody knew who I was and I got bullied a little. While the others were cleaning 13 rooms, I had to clean 24 rooms. There was this point of time when my dad walked into one of the rooms and he forgot that I was doing under cover; and he greeted me. It was then that people got to know that I was his daughter and they started treating me very differently. From 24 rooms, I was only given 5 rooms to clean and I didn’t have to clean the staff toilet anymore."
"Then I came back for my second internship and I applied for an F&B job. I was waiting tables for government events and weddings. This internship built up my muscles; you would never imagine that trays could be so heavy! That’s how my first two internships went about with Country Heights when I was in my teens. "
Dianna Lee Cheng Wen graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Corporate Finance and Organisational Management from the University of Southern California, United States. She also holds a Diploma in Advance Technology from University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
"I also did an internship with a non-profit organization that handled patients with cystic fibrosis. We did a lot of fund-raising and charity events for the organization. This was during my varsity life in Los Angeles and we did it for the Mexican community there. After that, when I thought that hospitality was not something that I wanted to do, I decided to pursue corporate finance. I was very lucky to have gotten an internship with Goldman Sachs in Singapore. "
Goldman Sachs
"At Goldman Sachs, because it’s an international firm, you are exposed to very professional and hightech procedurals; some of which that are absent in smaller firms. That’s something that has been very valuable to me. So it is where you learn your figures, ratios, risk management, code of conduct, and such. "
"After I graduated, I was offered a job at Disney; and at that time, I was working part-time with them. I was really keen and happy to pursue that; until my dad came for my graduation. He convinced me to come back and help out with the business and I thought that I should be a good daughter and help him out. So, serving my duties as a good daughter, I came back."
Learn Sales & pitching
"As for my first job after I came back, I was taking care of the sales department for one of the projects under Country Heights. With my involvement, I took over the entire sales team and we managed to reach the target set by the company, in fact we over achieved. And so, my job there was done. But, it was a difficult period for me because I was coming back to a different culture and it was not the same as in the US and Singapore. Adjusting to a different working culture is already something I’m struggling, worst off, I was given a sales position which I have absolutely no experience with. For sales, you always need to have a thicker face and bring yourself down. It wasn’t what I was used to at all.
At that time, I was having a tough time with my dad, I keep asking, “Why did you put me here? Why can’t I just do something where I don’t have to beg people?” But I learnt a lot that year. I closed one of my biggest deals and that was also the biggest deal for that year for Country Heights. I was around 24 at that time.
It was tough trying to close that deal. I learnt a lot about humility. I had to wait outside of someone’s office until they were willing to see me. I think through my determination, they finally noticed that, “Okay, maybe Tan Sri’s daughter can actually do real work.”
t that time, the hotel was going through some management change and they were looking for people. Since I have achieved my target in sales, they moved me to take care of the special projects that was on-going at the hotel then. It was the consultant that was working on the hotel improvement project that suggested to the board to get me to be the General Manager of the hotel.
"I was reluctant because I have decided not to do hospitality. It is an industry that requires experience that I have little of. You know, managing a hotel is not an easy job. I was only 24 years old and there were people over the age of 50 who were going to be working with me. I knew it was going to be a tough job and I was very unsure. But, my dad had a chat with me and told me to try it out.
"Being adventurous, I decided to see how far I could go and went on to become the General Manager of Palace of the Golden Horses. Our task was to transform the financial health of the entire hotel, and we did it within a year. As time went by, the health division was placed under my wing and eventually, I became the CEO for the Hospitality & Health division. That was also when we launched the new extension of Golden Horse Health Sanctuary. By then, I had two hotels and three health centres under my care, it became the second largest revenue contributor to the group after the Property Development division. "
Under her portfolio, the Hospitality and Health Division is the second major revenue contributor in Country Heights Holdings Berhad. In line with the company’s vision of “Ever Searching for Better Living”, she has also spearheaded the project to transform Mines Resort City to Mines Wellness City, an innovative enhancement on the group’s flagship project. In June 2011, she was re-designated to Group Chief Executive Officer of Country Heights Holdings Berhad.
"There was then a change in the top management for the entire Country Heights Holdings Berhad. With the positive turnovers in the Hospitality & Health division, along with a good portfolio, the board thought that I would be the next suitable successor to take over Country Heights Holdings Berhad."
In smaller companies, you can pick up a lot on the cultural values, the more heart to heart things. They’re more family orientated, where you work as a family and when they do business, they look at you as a sole individual. Sometimes when you’re a big organization, we do so many corporate deals that at an event of any transactions, we tend to lose that human touch.
"Now, that’s something that I’ve learnt from a smaller organization. I always remind myself that behind every number, there’s one person there; and that person has feelings. It’s something that you really need to take care of. "
THE DRAWBACKS of being young
Of course there will be this group of people who would think that they’re older and they’re more experienced, and wonder why they should listen to me. But I think that’s very common. It’s mostly based on your style of communicating with your people. Throughout my working experience here, I’ve never had anyone come up to me and tell me that I don’t know what I’m doing.
I had once had an older staff who came crying to me and telling me that his daughter is my age and she’s still sitting at home and playing video games. I scolded this guy earlier on for some mistake that he made before he came in to my room crying, so I was thinking that he was upset and was about to screw me up for that. To my surprise, he told me that I did the right thing by pointing out his mistake. I get more of “Thank you, Dianna”, rather than “Dianna, you’re not doing the right thing!” So I guess I must have done something right.
I think the main point here is that people see that I do things in the interest of the company; I don’t do anything for myself. They need to realize that if the company does well, they will do well too and if I do everything based on my personal interests, I dont think I would have gain the trust and support from them today.
CEO and Married in 2012
"In 2012, we improved by more than one thousand percent in terms of operations efficiency. This came as a bigger surprise because in 2012, I got married, I was pregnant and I was new to the Group CEO job. I’m thankful."
To be frank, I’m still trying to juggle it. These days, I wake up at 6 a.m. and then play with my daughter, feed her, shower her and get to work. After work at around 8 p.m. I have to shower her and cook. I wrap that up at around 11p.m. before spending some time with my husband, and basically the day is done. And when I’m at work, I think about my baby.
I’m still in the midst of juggling all these and make sense of how to utilize my time. Honestly, I have not found my sweet spot yet.
MOTHERHOOD and politic
I think before you’re married and before you even have a kid, you don’t take an interest in politics and public policies. Now, you look at things differently because this is where your children are going to grow up, within the frameworks set today.
I take more interest in the political news and the policies the country is applying because eventually, my daughter is going to be within this system and I want to make sure that this system is sustainable for her and she has equal chances of succeeding.
I keep an eye on the global environment now instead of just focusing on my small network of friends and the company. Because in order for someone to succeed, the family has to succeed; and in order for the family to succeed the nation has to succeed.
What is your vision as Group Chief Executive Officer, Country Heights Holdings Berhad?
Country Heights is a company with good fundamentals, financially and culturally. My goal is to continue the company's fundamental belief by "Ever Searching for Better Living". With Lakeview as a stepping stone for our new idea of a home that is good for your health, we would leverage on our group's 10 years' experience in preventative healthcare achieved in the Golden Horses Health Sanctuary. Combining both Health and Development is something we are working on to achieve.
What project are you currently working on that you're excited about?
Our Cyberjaya project on LakeView Residency is only the first few steps we're taking there. Watch this space for more exciting things coming!
Dianna Lee Cheng Wen have another younger sister Diani Lee , who is General manager of Corporate Communication in Country Heights.
Update : Most enterprising Corporate Princess
李金友千金李静雯 出任绿野集团首席执行员

李静雯在她的大学生涯中,她曾经在新加坡高盛以及洛杉矶迪士尼消费产品担任过财务分析员;同时,她也曾在Familia Unida慈善机构担任过策略分析员。
2009年被委任为金马皇宫总经理,以短短18个月的时间扭转公司劣势,其非凡的才能令人侧目! 2009年,她被委任为董事部执行董事一职,目前正积极发展赛城Lakeview Residency的发展计划,这项高10层楼的发展计划,预计会在2014年完工,成为大马另一产业标志。
她指出:“公司将在未来12个月内,陆续推出位于吉打、赛城、绿野休闲城(Mines Wellness City)的发展项目。”
绿野集团会在吉打推出Belleza Garden Homes的第二阶段发展,发展总值为6800万令吉。
此外,公司也会在赛城推出复式公寓(Duplex Condo),发展总值为5400万令吉。
对于公司展望,她指出:“随着公司在产业发展的预算高于去年,以及越来越多发展项目已完工及脱售,如Belleza Garden Homes的第一项发展项目,所以,公司预计2013财年营业额及净利将高于上财年。”
发展焦点仍在半岛目前,绿野集团拥有接近6000英亩的地皮,其中接近5000英亩落在古晋的Borneo Highland,吉打则有约200英亩土地,而剩余的地皮则落在绿野休闲城、赛城、加影等。
不过,雄心万丈的李静霖,在2005年决定自行创业,选择不在父亲的荫庇下高飞,她和5个合作伙伴,创办了产业发展公司Clearwater Development私人有限公司。在大馬白沙羅高原發展首項產業。
動態:自行創業,與4位朋友聯營一項總值估計達1億2000萬令吉的“Clearwater Residence”高級產業發展計劃,並由她出任董事經理,產業地點是在白沙羅嶺。此公司與綠野集團沒有關係,其中一位合伙人是新加坡著名繪測師。
此外,她曾是Country Heights(澳洲)私人有限公司的執行董事,負責管理父親在澳洲的業務。
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